Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Leadership Tip

I love this Leadership Tip from a friend, Mary Ann Masur, that I thought I would pass on! Enjoy!

You Don’t Need a Green Thumb To Grow Your Garden
Over the weekend I worked on my garden and planted containers on my deck. I pulled up weeds, pruned dead plants and planted new flowers to bloom.
My physical garden is a metaphor for your business garden or other area of your life.
Pick an area on which you want to focus. Ask and answer these questions:
• What is the season in this garden?
• What needs to be pruned or eliminated?
• What do the weeds look like?
• What are they overtaking?
• What kinds of animals may be digging up your plants or running around in the garden?
• What areas do you want to grow?
• What kinds of fertilizer and how much water do they need?
You do not have to have a green thumb to grow a beautiful garden. You just need to be willing to spend some time imagining, pruning, planting and nurturing. When you do, you can create what you desire.

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