Monday, December 6, 2010

Live Life Happy!

A great video about Living Life Happy! Great reminders to us all! Enjoy!

Copy and paste the following link!

See podcast #454 – Living Life Happy

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chapter 6 - Take the "Un" out of "Unhappy" and BE GRATEFUL!

This is one of my favoite chapters in "Powered By Happy" In order to feel true happiness, sometimes you have to understand what makes you "unhappy" and turn it around! Being grateful is not just for this time of the year, it is something you should practice everyday! If you just get in the habit of being thankful for one thing each day, it will definitely contribute to turning that frown upside down! Cheesy, maybe. However, being grateful is something that scientifically is proven to increase your level of happiness and improve your goals! Read on...Psychologists from the University of California, Davis, conducted a study on gratitude and thankfulness. They divided hundreds of people into three groups: One group recorded daily events, another recorded daily hassles, and the third recorded what they are grateful for. The last group reported more alertness and optimism and better progress towards their goals. They also felt more loved. Now, who doesn't want that? I do! Start today. Be Thankful for one thing a day and see where it takes you! A Blessed Thanksgiving wish to you all!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A great event....

Last night I attended a WELD (Women for Executive Leadership Development)reception honoring 12 women you need to know. I would like to congratulate each and every one of them. In their bio's, they mentioned advice to young women on how to get ahead and be successful. In just about every speech you heard characteristics like....teamwork...attitude...volunteer for everything, these are all pieces of great advice that Powered By Happy demonostrates in stories of successful professionals. Now, more than ever it is critical to work harder, prove your value, be known as the unique one or speedy one. Attitude is a big piece of that. In the "gift" bags, each person that attended (around 350) received a copy of Powered By Happy. Many asked me what happiness is? My simple answer, it's your attitude in how you deal with the cards you have been dealt. It's a choice. It's by YOUR design. Go out and design yourself some happiness at work or at home. It's up to you!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I don't feel like going to work today....

Sound familiar? How many times do you wake up and feel this way? Once? Twice? Never? First of all, if you do this more than a few times a week, it may be time to change your situation and find a job you don't dread. However, if you are just in a rut, what are some of the things that will help get you up and going in the morning? Plan your days. Make sure you have something to look forward to. A conversation with your boss, lunch with a friend, finishing up work you have been procrastinating doing. Think beyond your day. Sometimes we DO have days that are jam packed with crap! So, plan something you enjoy in the evenings to celebrate the crappy day being over. Also, think about new projects or work you can be doing that might spice up your job. Volunteer for something new, it will not only help energize your work day but make you look good to the execs in the mean time. One last piece of advice, find a friend at work, build relationships, offer help to your colleauges, it makes work much more interesting, rewarding and fun. Have a happy day!

Monday, October 18, 2010

And such is life....

So, my entire "free time" this week was 100% diverted to getting my youngest daughter ready for her first homecoming. We are talking nail appointments, hair appointments, tanning appointments, getting shoes, ordering boutineers, making driving arrangements, making picture arrangements, making dinner arrangements, and finally buying the perfect accessories! Oh, and did I mention this is all beyond the whole dress buying, which was another whole day! We topped off the "day of homecoming" with a mommy and me day! We went for sushi, we went shopping, we got her hair done and ended the day with a make over by mom (which turned out quite nicely!). Was it stressful, absolutely. Was it hard, absolutely. Did I want to rest every day but couldn't, absolutely! Was it one of the best days of my life! ABSOLUTELY....Giving your all to the ones you love will bring you the greatest joy in your life.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Daily Inspiration....

Be happy. Talk happiness. Happiness calls out responsive gladness in others. There is enough sadness in the world without yours . never doubt the excellence and permanence of what is yet to be. Join the great company of those who make the barren places of life fruitful with kindness. Your success and happiness lie in you. The great enduring realities are love and service. Resolve to keep happy and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.

~ Helen Keller

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Survived the ELLEN show in Los Angeles!

I just returned from a girls weekend in Los Angeles to see the ELLEN show! We had a fabulous time! One I will remember always. I realized on my way home, these types of trips are what life is all about. It's building not only wonderful memories with family & friends but creating a lot of happiness along the way. Those "trips" can be short (even an afternoon) or days long. They can be a special lunch with a special friend. They can be "mommy and me" trips or a date with your spouse. Some of the best memories of my girls are the "mommy and me" trips we had. But these "trips" need to be planned and scheduled just like your "to do" list at work. Find time for happiness! Schedule it! Make it happen! When you are happy at home, happy at work follows!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Look for me on the ELLEN show!

Well, don't get too excited. I'm not ON the ELLEN show, but I am going to the ELLEN show. It's on Monday, October 4th! We actually tried to contact Ellen's prize coordinator and offered to give out my book, Powered By Happy, to everyone in the audience if she mentioned it, but we haven't heard back yet! Somehow I will figure out a way to be SEEN! LOL! Hopefully ELLEN will pick me to dance with her or I will fall off my shoes and make a scene! TEVO the show and watch! The guests are Kenny Chesney and Grey (Ellen P) from Grey's Anatomy! I'm SO HAPPY to see them!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Come Meet me!

Please join us for a night of fun, meeting new friends and networking. There is a "Meet the Author" at the Sunny Street Cafe. Please see the details below. And....for all registered attendees, you will get a complimentary autographed copy of Powered By Happy! Tell your friends and hope to see you there!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I Finally joined TWITTER

So, now I am "tweeting"....I have a friend, Dan Harris, who is a social media expert and has advised me that I must tweet. However, as much as I love to chat with people, I find it hard to imagine anyone would want to follow my life! What could be THAT interesting. I, being 45, am evening following Paris Hilton! Do you believe that. It's what I would call mental candy, no thinking, just read and laugh, and think how happy am I to NOT be a movie star where ever move I make is monitored by millions of people...So, what's your social media all it's cracked up to be? How can it help you be happier? How can it help your career? What's your thoughts?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Take the "Un" out of Unhappiness and Be Grateful

Hello Friends,

Chapter 6 in my book is "Take the "Un" out of Unhappiness and Be Grateful". We get so caught up in deadlines, in relationships gone bad, in jealousy, in daily issues that at the end of the day are immaterial. Today I read an email that brought this message home to me. Last weekend, a group of 4000 cyclist took on a commitment to ride their bikes 50, 100 or 180 miles in the fight for cancer. They raised close to $8 million dollars! I was honored and happy to sponsor many friends. In the quest of thanking their donors and supporters, each one has sent a note of thanks after the race. Today, I received a note from one that outlined the events that happened....and here is what he said:

Saturday, the day of emotions. 6am – I am pumped from the previous night ceremonies. 7am – I am anxious at that start wondering which one of the four thousand riders I’m standing next to will crash me when the MC says ‘Go’. 12pm – I feel great riding, glad that all that training is paying off. 2:30pm - At mile 85 I am close to spent and just want to be done. 3:45pm - At the finish (mile 102), I see my family and close friend Curt who is one person I am fighting this cause for. Shower then dinner and huge celebration with friends, family and fellow riders. Life is good, right?

About 6:15 the Pelotonia Executive Director took the stage. The band stopped mid song and an eerie silence came over the crowd. Tom informed us that one of our fellow riders, Michelle Kazlausky, was fatally struck by a car along the bike route a couple hours ago. One of those ‘where were you when you heard?’ (space shuttle, Reagan, 911) messages. It’s been several days, and I think about that moment often. Before 6:15pm Saturday evening, Michelle was another face in the crowd and a fellow biker. In an instant, I’ll now remember her name for the rest of my life and will always think about the ultimate sacrifice she made in this effort to end cancer

There was a link to go to Michelle's donor page and in the last 4 days, there has been over $25,000 anonymous donors. Reading through them all, seeing messages of "In honor of you", "I wish I would have known you", "From a Fellow rider"....gave me Goosebumps to say the least. I cried for not only Michelle, but also for the fact that I am still living and need to be grateful for every single day. That I shouldn't waste my time with worry; I should live every day to the fullest. That's my new commitment, in honor of Michelle. What about you?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What's holding you back from being happy at work?

Hello Friends! I'm BACK! I have been on a whirlwind tour of the US for the last month! Lots of good conversations with amazing people!

One question I continued to ask when people said they were NOT happy is "What's holding you back". My dear friend (and editor) Ellen helped me pull together a quiz that may be presented in Oprah Magazine this fall. What we came to realize is that their are 3 reasons that typicall hold people back.

1 - Emotional - Fear of Change / Fear of Failing
2 - Status / Political / Financial - I used to be a VP and you want me to be a what? I can't afford to make a move
3 - Other people - I can't move my family across the country for MY next move or I am too loyal to my boss

So, can you relate? Is there something holding YOU back from being happy at work? If so, what is it?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Powered By Happy - In the news!

This is exciting to see! Someone I never met has written a very positive review about my book! Check it out and spread the word!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Vacation "Re-Entry" Process

Well, I am back from vacation and loved every minute of it and this time I even loved coming back! How many times have you come back from vacation feeling refreshed for the first, oh I don't know, HOUR? Then it seems the spiral downward begins. For some, this "re-entry" process starts as early as a day or two before going back to work. The anxiety builds and the depression starts. I had two vacations this year. One, I completely disconnected which made my "re-entry" process PAINFUL. I spent HOURS cleaning up email, returning voicemail and deleting all my junk mail! It took me at least 10 days to begin firing on all cylinders! This past vacation, I spent a bit of time every day reading emails. When I came back, I barely had a "re-entry" process and was back up and running on day 1. I don't recommend this to everyone. If you don't love your job, if it truly is WORK, then getting completely is a better strategy for you. But, if you do take a bit of time just to stay engaged a little bit, your re-entry process won't be so painful....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What am I really HAPPY about today?

I'm heading on vacation in TWO days for a week, so I won't be posting until after....Share your vacation plans! Looking forward and planning for vacation is a great way to lift your spirits!

Make a High Yield Investment to Happiness

One of the chapters in my book, Powered by Happy, is called how to Make a High Yield Investment to Happiness. Research has shown that its not winning the lotter that brings you long term sustainable happiness, it is helping others. One of my favorite parts of this chapter is a section on "Paying it Forward". It comes from the Kevin Spacey movie back in 2000 on the premise of doing good deeds for others in hopes they will too will do good deeds. How can YOU pay it forward? Do this simple exercise: Write down an act of kindness that someone has done for you lately. Then think about how you can personally pay it forward with a kind deed for others. You will be amazed on how it makes you feel!

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Define Happiness......

In Chapter one of my book, I ask you to define happiness. Simple request, yes. Easy to do, no! It's funny, while a simple thing to do, there is not one person I have met that has done this, actually put the pen to the paper! On page 21, the book asks you to define happiness. To help you, I thought I would give you a word bank. Sometimes, it will help you jump start your definition of happiness.


What's your definition? Write in and share! I will be previewing excerpts from my book and will be offering up FREE autographed copies as prizes....STAY TUNED....And Thank you, Dan for all the great ideas!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Powered By Happy - FAN CLUB - LinkedIN...

Friends, Recently I had a mtg. with Dan Harris, who was reading my book. Dan is a social media expert so he is very "connected"...Dan has not only put Powered By Happy on his recommended read list, but also has created (and I didn't force him either) a POWERED BY HAPPY FAN CLUB. The Fan Club is on LinkedIn and you can get to it by searching for POWERED BY HAPPY FAN CLUB under groups. Please join, contribute and follow!! Have a HAPPY day!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Leadership Tip

I love this Leadership Tip from a friend, Mary Ann Masur, that I thought I would pass on! Enjoy!

You Don’t Need a Green Thumb To Grow Your Garden
Over the weekend I worked on my garden and planted containers on my deck. I pulled up weeds, pruned dead plants and planted new flowers to bloom.
My physical garden is a metaphor for your business garden or other area of your life.
Pick an area on which you want to focus. Ask and answer these questions:
• What is the season in this garden?
• What needs to be pruned or eliminated?
• What do the weeds look like?
• What are they overtaking?
• What kinds of animals may be digging up your plants or running around in the garden?
• What areas do you want to grow?
• What kinds of fertilizer and how much water do they need?
You do not have to have a green thumb to grow a beautiful garden. You just need to be willing to spend some time imagining, pruning, planting and nurturing. When you do, you can create what you desire.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lovin' your job....Aint' so easy!

Lovin' your job is no easy task! It doesn't come easy! However, there are things we can do to help!

Here are a few hints and tips on how an employee can love his job, just a few points from what you mentioned in the book?

• Make sure you are doing what you love, what you are passionate about(if you aren’t make a change or volunteer for the work you are passionate about) , this helps you truly be successful
• Hang with a gang that gets it – Make sure you are hanging with colleagues that you want to emulate or are looked up to in the organization. Steal shamelessly their tips to success!
• Build relationships with your colleagues – help each other and they will help you!
• Find a Mentor – one who has tenure with your company so they can help you navigate through the political landscape of the company. Nothing can make you more “unhappy” than to be caught in a political landmine!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Amazon PUSH Day - April 28th 2010

So, I just hear that each Author should do a "Book push" day with My book push day with is APRIL 28TH - WEDNESDAY. If you haven't bought a book already, hold off and please buy one that day! Tell your friends and pass it on....THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT....Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's only a job....

Recently I had a stimulating conversation with some friends about whether our job defines us or not. We were split, 50% it did and 50% it did not. Which is better? Which is safer? I can't answer that for you, however, I know when you let something or someone else define who you are or what makes you happy, it's a dangerous place to be, or will be at some point. I love my job, really I do, but at the end of the day, it's a job. Feeling this way, helps put bad days in perspective, or even the thought of losing your job. So if you feel this way too, nothing should really rattle you or create distress in your life from things that happen during "8-5" and if it does you need to evaluate your job or the way you value that job in your life.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Ways to make your office a Happier place to be...

I get asked the question, How can we make our office a better place to be every day...One thing is for sure - you don't have to be the boss to make these ideas a reality where you work...

Here are a few ideas to consider...

•Create a SWAT team at work where their mission is to plan activities that give employees something to be happy about or look forward to; for example, Tuesday snack days, Thursday happy hour, Friday pot luck.
•Create a Peer to Peer recognition program, everyone wants to feel successful and feel like they are adding value, this makes them “happy”! So, give kudos to colleagues for a job well done!
•Celebrate your wins and successes!
•Don’t be afraid to laugh, work doesn’t have to be a bad place to go! Create a culture where it is OK to laugh, tell stories, tell jokes, help bring other’s attitude’s up
•Lastly, if you find you have a member of your team that is bringing everyone down, get them out! One of the biggest reason people have happy cultures is that leaders get rid of the bad eggs!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Say What???

Recently I was listening to one of my favorite radio stations, 104.9 THE RIVER. It's a Christian Rock station. They had released a list of the most "happy" states in the country. Among the top was a real shock! You will never believe it! It's Michigan!!! SAY WHAT? Really? Detroit has one of the highest unemployment rates, the area is sooo depressed, but one thing is not....The value of family, faith and helping others! Yep, you heard it. The top three reasons they feel happy is because of their family values, faith and their involvement in community service. Ironically, three of the top secrets to happiness, you will also find in my book. If those areas are "right" in your life, there is not much that can go wrong...even at work!

Speaking of being happy, I am about to head out on vacation. Heading to Florida to watch my daughter compete in a National Cheer competition (GO iYooWee Fusion All Stars!) for 4 days in Orlando, Florida...Then we are heading on a 6 day caribbean cruise with friends...Sooo...I will chat with you when I get back.....Have a HAPPY Day!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Oh What a Night!

This title may bring you back to a great song that used to be one of my favorites, Oh What a Night (late Dec back in 63)...Loved it and that is how I feel about the book signing at Wyandotte Winery held last night! We had a packed house and great discussions. It is so interesting to me how many people really struggle with happiness at work. When I asked the group (of about 40 ppl) how many were happy at work, only about 10% raised their hands. It's tough enough to be happy in our economy now and after seeing so many wonderful people out of work struggling to make ends meet. So, today if you ARE happy at work, be GRATEFUL! If you DO have a job, be GRATEFUL. If you know someone struggling, reach out and help them. THAT is what finding happiness is really all about... Until next time my friends...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Video of WGN National TV Interview

Things have been a bit crazy. Had my Barnes and Noble book signing last Thursday, March 18th. I was overwhelmed with the show of support from my adorable family, friends and colleagues. Thanks to all who made it such a special night. A night I will always remember. Today I was filmed on WGN National TV In Chicago. Check out the video:

Chicago News: daily news, local news and TV news - WGN
Chicago's Very Own WGN-TV Channel 9

This week, I will be at my sister's winery for another book signing - Thursday March 25th RSVP at's my sister's 50th birthday. Happy Birthday Valerie!!! I love you!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My First Book Signing Event

Yesterday ended up being a GREAT day! In the morning, my daughter Madison had wrist surgery to remove a "mass" that needed biopsied. We knew going in it could either be a ganglion cyst that was broken up with scar tissue OR a tumor. You can imagine the emotional mess I was. Waiting 2 hours for the Dr to come out and finally tell me he thinks it is a cyst and scar tissue! Thank GOD. Then I rush home to change and get ready for my first book signing at my company, Sequent, to share my book with our clients. It was one special evening. I felt honored and proud to be the guest of honor. MY CEO and his wife, Jerri Sue and a few special executive admins worked tirelessly to make it a special event and it sure was! Just another reason I love my job and am POWERED BY HAPPY at work. It's so important to ensure that your culture is aligned with your same values, integrity and morals. When it is, cultivate it, appreciate it and make it work for you, because it is the core to your happiness at work and I am so lucky to have found that! Enjoy your day...

PS - My first TV debut is on You Tube - copy the link

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tricks to Office Politics

It's always a good thing to understand the "political landscape" in your company. Understand where the land mines are. Who to align with or who to stay away from. Understand what behaviros are not tolerated and understand what behaviors are celebrated! Depending on the company, these can be key factors to your success. Here are some tips on dealing with Office Politics.

Find a person within your company that has been there a long time, pick their brain on the office politics and how they have avoided any "pot holes"!

Try your best to stay neutral. If conversations with a co-worker head into a bad direction, make an excuse to exit the conversation.

If you feel you are the target, try politely confronting the person in private. Say something like, "I get the feeling you are upset with me. Have I done something? I value our working relationship and want us to get past this." Many times it is a misunderstanding that you can get past. If it is not, you'll learn a little more about what you are up against so you can avoid it.

Stay positive and only vent to "safe" friends. Enjoy your day!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Marshall Goldsmith - NEW Book - A great read and aligned with Powered by Happy!

Marshall's new book is entitled, Mojo: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back if You Lose It. The title reminds me of an Austin Powers movie, but his message is really useful, especially now, in this uncertain, and to be frank, scary new world where whole industries are dramatically shrinking and you, me and everyone else is wondering if their job will still be here in five years, much less twenty.

Marshall acknowledges the angst of this age, but puts things into their proper perspective. The most important thing in life is personal happiness. Everything else flows from that. If we are healthy, earning a good living, maintaining personal relationships with those we love and respect, doing something that's meaningful and that you enjoy doing, you've achieved happiness. There is no other component.

The "Mojo" part is the key to achieving happiness. It is the moment when we feel we're 'on a roll,' firing on all cylinders, and everyone around us senses it. It's when we're moving forward, making progress, achieving goals, clearing hurdles, passing the competition — and doing so with increasing ease. Sports people call this being "in the zone," others describe it as "flow." Marshall describes it as Mojo — "that positive spirit toward what we are doing now that starts from the inside and radiates to the outside." Mojo plays a vital role in our pursuit of happiness and meaning, because it is about achieving two simple goals: loving what we do and showing it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's over!

Well, my first TV apperance is over! I have to say I am relieved! It was a great experience and now I know what to expect for next time so I can get better! My biggest tip - Keep a mint in your mouth or have a glass of water near by. I felt like I had 7 cotton balls in my mouth! Thought I would recap the segment. We talked about 3 hot tips if you are unhappy at work right now.

Understanding that 80% of people leave their BOSS not their job, here's the tips:

1 - Do an self - check. Look in the mirror? Do you hate your job because of something YOU are doing? How is your attitude? Your performance? Your results?

2 - Find out what others have done to work successfully with your boss and steal shamelessly their secrets to success.

3 - Confirm your boss's expectations (continually) and try to exceed them. Being successful in what you do makes you happy! Ask him / her - If you were to come to me in 6 months and tell me I have done a fantastic job, what would I have accomplished?

And finally - the overall tip. Always have a PLAN B. Just in case, it's so miserable you have to leave. It helps you feel a bit more in control with your career!

Today, I will be on WBNS radio at 3:30...Have a Happy Day!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Update to TV Appearance

FYI...I will now be on at 8:15am for the Good Day Columbus Show!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Upcoming TV Appearances

Hey everyone...Watch for the following two TV appearances to preview ideas around How to get and stay happy at work!

March 3rd - 7am Good Day Columbus (Fox)

March 22nd - Noon WGN Chicago National News (not sure which channel!)

Wish me luck! :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is your company right for you?

I met with a friend for coffee this morning who recently decided (yes, in this economy) that he needed to walk away from his job. The best part about it, he seemed so happy and at peace with himself. What had happened is that his company's values no longer aligned with his. He was strong enough to walk away. Why? Because he realized one BIG fact, it's just a job. As he put it "It's not what my life is all about, it's not what brings me happiness and it's certainly not what I want to be remembered for". There are so many times I see people who are so miserable at work, and mostly it's because of the people or culture they work with but they feel paraluzed and feel they can't do anything about it. There is one thing for sure, it is much harder to change a culture than change your situation. One of the most important attributes in being happy at work is "fitting" in with the company's values, vision and mission. If you don't, I would encourage you (not necessarily to quit your job - although that is sometimes my recommendation) to fina a company that is more of a fit for you! Would love any comments of folks who have been in this same situation and what you did! Enjoy your day!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Bury the Hatchet & Move On!

Have you ever felt that nagging feeling of "unknown sadness". A feeling that something is not right in your life. If you think hard enough, one of the reasons could be a relationship that has gone bad with either a colleague or someone important in your life. If that is the case, I am urging you to (this weekend) make peace with that person. That "unknown sadness" is robbing you of true happiness that you could be enjoying with the people you love to be around! It could also be affecting your work and your current (good!) relationships! It's amazing what your "mood" convey's when your mind is pre-occupied with a feeling of hate or sweet revenge you are contemplating for that "special" someone that you have disengaged from. You don't have to be "best friends" but call it a truce. That "freeing" sensation will help you more than you know! Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wha Happened?

Have you ever been in a situation at work where you are so blown away by someone's actions that you look around and scream "WHA HAPPENED?". This was a regular occasion at one of my past jobs. Either my boss would say something so ridiculous or a colleague would behave so poorly that I wondered how that person could look in the mirror every day. People disappoint. People can be negative. People can be manipulative. People can lie. People can have no values at all. And these people can work right along side of you and make your job miserable. Research says people don't leave their company, they leave their boss! I have seen many also leave because of the culture around them and the way people behave. Have you experienced this? Please comment on this blog if it is and what you have done about it. If you find yourself in this situation, here are a few tips to get by.

1- Always take the high road, don't bring yourself down to their level - act with integrity at all times
2- Master your stories, stick with the facts, don't let fiction get in your way
3 - Deal with any conflict head on - with either your colleague or boss - see what you can do to move beyond it
4 - Hang with a gang that gets it - sometimes you have no control over the people you work with, but you do have control over who you hang with. Don't get caught with "guilt by association" and hang with those whose reputation you would not want!
5- If all else fails, leave. It's hard to change the people (and culture) you are working with. If it's not a good fit, find something that is...

Don't ever let someone else steal your happiness away!

Enjoy your day!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Perfect Recipe for Happiness!

If I could make the perfect recipe for happiness what would be the ingredients?

Understand what happiness means to you – go after it
Understand what “having it all” means to you & make it happen
Set happiness goals and work to achieve them
Focus on the good – and be grateful
Help others
Stay positive..Change your attitude…Glass if half full
Surround yourself with positive people
Do More of the things that make you happiest
Stop the negative thoughts - Master your own stories (Deal with the facts not fiction!)
Lead by example – create a reputation of being happy and people will want to be around you
And finally….Live every day like it’s your last

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Book Signing EVENTS!

Hello all....Just to let you know that a few book signing events have been scheduled.

March 18th - Barnes and Noble - Polaris 7-8 pm

March 25th - Wyandotte Winery - (RSVP) 7pm

Hope to see you all!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Powered by Happy - Interview - Check it out

Hey everyone!

Check out my first interview on my book, Powered by Happy last fall at the Learning 2009 conference in Orlando, Florida. This was a quick impromtu interview from the host (and my dear friend) Elliott Masie, founder of the Masie Center and Owner of the Learning conference.


Friday, January 29, 2010

Ten Tips about How to keep your job in a BAD economy!

•Be the Go-to, Indispensible Person Who Has Needed Organization Knowledge
•Make Your Contributions Measurable and Visible to the Right People
•Make Money for the Company: Contribute to Revenue Generation, Sales, Profit
•Ask for More Work and More Challenging Assignments
•Make Sure Your Manager Likes You; Invest Genuine Time, Compliments, Attention
•Be a Low Maintenance Employee: No Complaining, Whining or Monopolizing
•Work Long Hours and Make Sure the Right People Notice
•Keep Your Personal and Professional Skills Growing and Developing
•Team Build With Coworkers: Cooperate to Achieve Goals and Success for All
•Take Your Talents and Skills to a More Recession-proof Company or Job

Great tips from Susan Heathfield from " guide"...I love "lists"...They keep me organized, focused and on track. Look for more valuable lists to come! Feel free to also post your favorite "lists"! Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wall Street Journal - Thinking Happy Thoughts at Work!

Check out this great article that reiterates the importance of being happy at work!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Welcome to Powered by Happy BLOG

Hey everyone! As many of you know, my book, Powered by Happy, will be coming out in March 2010. I wanted to create a blog to start the dialogue on topics related to how happiness can boost your performance, increase success and transform your workday! I want to spread the word about the passion I have around this topic and learn from all of you, how happiness has helped change your career and your life!

Let me start by sharing with you an impactful story from my life, that helped change my career AND my happiness!

I was twenty-nine years old and on the fast track to a great career with an international brokerage firm. I had a loving husband, a beautiful three-year-old daughter, and a great job—talk about having it all! I loved my job. It was perfect for me and for my life, or so I thought. I was in charge of office administration, accounting, sales, and computer training and support. Sounds like a lot, but I loved it. It provided a challenge, professional development, and enough diversity that I never got bored. I was able to travel the world and see places that I never dreamed I would see. I worked with executives who were twice my age, three times my seniority level, and earning paychecks worth more than quadruple my dollar value. Again, life was good.
Then one night while traveling in England, I called to wish my three-year-old, Tiffany, a good night, and for the first time since I had her, she realized I was gone, really gone. Up until this point, my travel was her “vacation.” She got to visit her grandmothers and was spoiled beyond belief. But even at three years old, she was getting wise enough to realize that her mom was not there to tuck her in at night. When I spoke with her, she started crying, “Mommy come home! You no here—I need you here!” I was in such shock that I didn’t know how to respond; nothing in my parenting books had taught me what to say or how to react. So I reacted by crying, too. I was devastated. All of a sudden, my perfect job—the job that helped make me happy and fulfilled—was now something that was coming between me and my happiness.
The last three days of my trip seemed to last forever, and I will never forget my trip home. I experienced a life-altering conversation with a complete stranger, a conversation that I live by to this day. I was sitting next to a man who noticed my preoccupation (and depression) and started chatting about being stuck in an airport. Half-listening, I was playing along, and as we bonded, I started to share my story of my distraught three-year-old and how horrible I felt when I heard her cry. Almost abruptly, he stopped me and said, “Listen, you seem like a bright young woman, but at the end of the day, nobody ever says they wished they’d worked more. They say they wished they had spent more time with their family. I hope you remember that as your daughter grows up and someday, very quickly, will be gone away to school and on to her own life.”
Wow. Have I heard this kind of story before? Absolutely. At the exact moment I needed to hear it? Never!Within a month of that conversation, I quit my job. Yes, the job I loved, the one that made me happy every day. However, what “having it all” meant to me had changed, and thank God it did, because my two beautiful girls will tell you that I have been there for them, in sickness and in health, ever since!

Tell me some of changes you have made that ultimately changed your career? your level of happiness? your life?