Monday, April 12, 2010

Ways to make your office a Happier place to be...

I get asked the question, How can we make our office a better place to be every day...One thing is for sure - you don't have to be the boss to make these ideas a reality where you work...

Here are a few ideas to consider...

•Create a SWAT team at work where their mission is to plan activities that give employees something to be happy about or look forward to; for example, Tuesday snack days, Thursday happy hour, Friday pot luck.
•Create a Peer to Peer recognition program, everyone wants to feel successful and feel like they are adding value, this makes them “happy”! So, give kudos to colleagues for a job well done!
•Celebrate your wins and successes!
•Don’t be afraid to laugh, work doesn’t have to be a bad place to go! Create a culture where it is OK to laugh, tell stories, tell jokes, help bring other’s attitude’s up
•Lastly, if you find you have a member of your team that is bringing everyone down, get them out! One of the biggest reason people have happy cultures is that leaders get rid of the bad eggs!

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