Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tricks to Office Politics

It's always a good thing to understand the "political landscape" in your company. Understand where the land mines are. Who to align with or who to stay away from. Understand what behaviros are not tolerated and understand what behaviors are celebrated! Depending on the company, these can be key factors to your success. Here are some tips on dealing with Office Politics.

Find a person within your company that has been there a long time, pick their brain on the office politics and how they have avoided any "pot holes"!

Try your best to stay neutral. If conversations with a co-worker head into a bad direction, make an excuse to exit the conversation.

If you feel you are the target, try politely confronting the person in private. Say something like, "I get the feeling you are upset with me. Have I done something? I value our working relationship and want us to get past this." Many times it is a misunderstanding that you can get past. If it is not, you'll learn a little more about what you are up against so you can avoid it.

Stay positive and only vent to "safe" friends. Enjoy your day!

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